(888) 509-1067
Affordable, Expert Tutoring
Education excellence and mastery of skills
We help students from low entry to high entry scores, master test prep and academic subjects through our 5 step method of education excellence.
Excellent score improvements; from 250 + point improvements on the SAT or 4.5 points on the ACT, are some of the averages since 2010.
Mindset focus, stress management
Dr. Sapneil Parikh and Team background in the clinical and educational sciences over the past 14 years we have implemented some of the best practices for test preparation and anxiety reduction.
Competency in College Admission standards
Our team is up to date with all the latest trends and changes in the college admission ecosystem and we provide this information real-time to all of our students.
Experienced team of tutors and support staff
From the robust and academically excellent tutoring staff to the support administrative staff our goal is for the family to have a smooth experience despite preparing for high-stakes exams.
Education and test prep providers since 2010 (over 14 years of experience!!)
Founder, Dr. Sapneil Parikh is involved in both the curriculum and teaching methods of all programs.
Professional Curriculum for Test Prep
For the past 14 years we have developed and licensed some of the best curriculum in test prep and academic subjects.
All of our test prep, advising and academic subjects are competitively priced to provide long term value.
Since 2010
of state (Ivy League)
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